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Node JS

Full Stack Developer Course with 3 Technologies
For 1/3 Months
Rs. 7,999/-


JavaScript and Node.js
Lesson 1. The importance of being asynchronous
Lesson 2. Blocking vs. non-blocking code
Lesson 3. Server-side JavaScript
Lesson 4. The use cases
Lesson 5. The applicaon stack
Introducon - What is Node.js
Lesson 1. What is Node.j
Lesson 2. Why use Node.js?
Lesson 3. Features of Node.js
Lesson 4. Who uses Node.js
Lesson 5. When to Use Node.js
Lesson 6. When to not use Node.js
Lesson 7. Node.js Process Model
Setup Node.js Development Environment
Lesson 1. Lesson 1. Installaon of node.js
Lesson 2. Setup Visual Studio for Node.js
Lesson 3. Node.js Console
Lesson 4. Using Node.js to execute scripts
Lesson 5. When to Use Node.js
Lesson 6. First Hello world applicaon in Node.jss
Node.js Basics
Lesson 1. Primive Types
Lesson 2. Loose Typing
Lesson 3. Object Literal
Lesson 4. Funcons
Lesson 5. Buffer
Lesson 6. Process object
Node.js Module
Lesson 1. Core Modules
Lesson 2. Local Modules
Lesson 3. Third Party Modules
Lesson 4. Loading Core Modules
Lesson 5. Wring Simple Module
Lesson 6. Loading Local Module
Module exports
Lesson 1. Export Literals
Lesson 2. Export Object
Lesson 3. Export funcon as a class
Lesson 4. Export Funcon
Lesson 5. Load module from separate folder
Node Package Manager
Lesson 1. Install Package Locally
Lesson 2. Install Package Globally
Lesson 3. Update/Uninstall Package
Building servers
Lesson 1. Creang servers with HTTP
Lesson 2. Receiving data
Lesson 3. HTTP streaming
Lesson 4. Working with TCP
Lesson 5. Development of applicaon with servers
File System
Lesson 1. Synchronous vs. asynchronous I/O
Lesson 2. Path and directory operaons
Lesson 3. _dirname and _filename
Lesson 4. The FS Module
Lesson 5. Asynchronous Directories reads and writes
Lesson 6. Asynchronous file reads and writes
Lesson 7. Streams
Introducon to ExpressJS
Lesson 1. The model-view-controller paern
Lesson 2. Defining Jade and Handlebars templates
Lesson 3. Building a front-end controller
Lesson 4. Defining routes
Lesson 5. Configuring Express to use Handlebars
Lesson 6. Using REST
Lesson 7. Reading POST data
Lesson 8. Building Handlebars helpers
Lesson 9. Adding middleware
Buffers, Streams, and Events
Lesson 1. Using buffers for binary data
Lesson 2. Flowing vs. non-flowing streams
Lesson 3. Streaming I/O from files and other sources
Lesson 4. Processing streams asynchronously
Lesson 5. Configuring event handlers
Data Sources
Lesson 1. How Node.js connects to databases
Lesson 2. RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
Lesson 3. Connecng to RDBMS & NoSQL databases
Lesson 4. Performing CRUD operaons
Lesson 5. Building client requests to web services
Working With Data
Lesson 1. Working With
Lesson 2. Processes & Clusters
Lesson 3. Child Process Module
Lesson 4. Why clusters
Lesson 5. The cluster object
Lesson 6. The worker object
Best Pracces
Lesson 1. Node.js API design
Lesson 2. Error Handling
Lesson 3. Debugging
Lesson 4. Template Engines
Lesson 5. Unit Tesng
Lesson 6. Node.js Tesng with Jasmine


Coming Soon...

Node JS

Full Stack Developer Course with 3 Technologies
For 1/3 Months
Rs. 7,999/-


JavaScript and Node.js
Lesson 1. The importance of being asynchronous
Lesson 2. Blocking vs. non-blocking code
Lesson 3. Server-side JavaScript
Lesson 4. The use cases
Lesson 5. The applicaon stack
Introducon - What is Node.js
Lesson 1. What is Node.j
Lesson 2. Why use Node.js?
Lesson 3. Features of Node.js
Lesson 4. Who uses Node.js
Lesson 5. When to Use Node.js
Lesson 6. When to not use Node.js
Lesson 7. Node.js Process Model
Setup Node.js Development Environment
Lesson 1. Lesson 1. Installaon of node.js
Lesson 2. Setup Visual Studio for Node.js
Lesson 3. Node.js Console
Lesson 4. Using Node.js to execute scripts
Lesson 5. When to Use Node.js
Lesson 6. First Hello world applicaon in Node.jss
Node.js Basics
Lesson 1. Primive Types
Lesson 2. Loose Typing
Lesson 3. Object Literal
Lesson 4. Funcons
Lesson 5. Buffer
Lesson 6. Process object
Node.js Module
Lesson 1. Core Modules
Lesson 2. Local Modules
Lesson 3. Third Party Modules
Lesson 4. Loading Core Modules
Lesson 5. Wring Simple Module
Lesson 6. Loading Local Module
Module exports
Lesson 1. Export Literals
Lesson 2. Export Object
Lesson 3. Export funcon as a class
Lesson 4. Export Funcon
Lesson 5. Load module from separate folder
Node Package Manager
Lesson 1. Install Package Locally
Lesson 2. Install Package Globally
Lesson 3. Update/Uninstall Package
Building servers
Lesson 1. Creang servers with HTTP
Lesson 2. Receiving data
Lesson 3. HTTP streaming
Lesson 4. Working with TCP
Lesson 5. Development of applicaon with servers
File System
Lesson 1. Synchronous vs. asynchronous I/O
Lesson 2. Path and directory operaons
Lesson 3. _dirname and _filename
Lesson 4. The FS Module
Lesson 5. Asynchronous Directories reads and writes
Lesson 6. Asynchronous file reads and writes
Lesson 7. Streams
Introducon to ExpressJS
Lesson 1. The model-view-controller paern
Lesson 2. Defining Jade and Handlebars templates
Lesson 3. Building a front-end controller
Lesson 4. Defining routes
Lesson 5. Configuring Express to use Handlebars
Lesson 6. Using REST
Lesson 7. Reading POST data
Lesson 8. Building Handlebars helpers
Lesson 9. Adding middleware
Buffers, Streams, and Events
Lesson 1. Using buffers for binary data
Lesson 2. Flowing vs. non-flowing streams
Lesson 3. Streaming I/O from files and other sources
Lesson 4. Processing streams asynchronously
Lesson 5. Configuring event handlers
Data Sources
Lesson 1. How Node.js connects to databases
Lesson 2. RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
Lesson 3. Connecng to RDBMS & NoSQL databases
Lesson 4. Performing CRUD operaons
Lesson 5. Building client requests to web services
Working With Data
Lesson 1. Working With
Lesson 2. Processes & Clusters
Lesson 3. Child Process Module
Lesson 4. Why clusters
Lesson 5. The cluster object
Lesson 6. The worker object
Best Pracces
Lesson 1. Node.js API design
Lesson 2. Error Handling
Lesson 3. Debugging
Lesson 4. Template Engines
Lesson 5. Unit Tesng
Lesson 6. Node.js Tesng with Jasmine


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