JavaScript and Node.js | |
Lesson 1. | The importance of being asynchronous |
Lesson 2. | Blocking vs. non-blocking code |
Lesson 3. | Server-side JavaScript |
Lesson 4. | The use cases |
Lesson 5. | The applicaon stack |
Introducon - What is Node.js | |
Lesson 1. | What is Node.j |
Lesson 2. | Why use Node.js? |
Lesson 3. | Features of Node.js |
Lesson 4. | Who uses Node.js |
Lesson 5. | When to Use Node.js |
Lesson 6. | When to not use Node.js |
Lesson 7. | Node.js Process Model |
Setup Node.js Development Environment | |
Lesson 1. | Lesson 1. Installaon of node.js |
Lesson 2. | Setup Visual Studio for Node.js |
Lesson 3. | Node.js Console |
Lesson 4. | Using Node.js to execute scripts |
Lesson 5. | When to Use Node.js |
Lesson 6. | First Hello world applicaon in Node.jss |
Node.js Basics | |
Lesson 1. | Primive Types |
Lesson 2. | Loose Typing |
Lesson 3. | Object Literal |
Lesson 4. | Funcons |
Lesson 5. | Buffer |
Lesson 6. | Process object |
Node.js Module | |
Lesson 1. | Core Modules |
Lesson 2. | Local Modules |
Lesson 3. | Third Party Modules |
Lesson 4. | Loading Core Modules |
Lesson 5. | Wring Simple Module |
Lesson 6. | Loading Local Module |
Module exports | |
Lesson 1. | Export Literals |
Lesson 2. | Export Object |
Lesson 3. | Export funcon as a class |
Lesson 4. | Export Funcon |
Lesson 5. | Load module from separate folder |
Node Package Manager | |
Lesson 1. | Install Package Locally |
Lesson 2. | Install Package Globally |
Lesson 3. | Update/Uninstall Package |
Building servers | |
Lesson 1. | Creang servers with HTTP |
Lesson 2. | Receiving data |
Lesson 3. | HTTP streaming |
Lesson 4. | Working with TCP |
Lesson 5. | Development of applicaon with servers |
File System | |
Lesson 1. | Synchronous vs. asynchronous I/O |
Lesson 2. | Path and directory operaons |
Lesson 3. | _dirname and _filename |
Lesson 4. | The FS Module |
Lesson 5. | Asynchronous Directories reads and writes |
Lesson 6. | Asynchronous file reads and writes |
Lesson 7. | Streams |
Introducon to ExpressJS | |
Lesson 1. | The model-view-controller paern |
Lesson 2. | Defining Jade and Handlebars templates |
Lesson 3. | Building a front-end controller |
Lesson 4. | Defining routes |
Lesson 5. | Configuring Express to use Handlebars |
Lesson 6. | Using REST |
Lesson 7. | Reading POST data |
Lesson 8. | Building Handlebars helpers |
Lesson 9. | Adding middleware |
Buffers, Streams, and Events | |
Lesson 1. | Using buffers for binary data |
Lesson 2. | Flowing vs. non-flowing streams |
Lesson 3. | Streaming I/O from files and other sources |
Lesson 4. | Processing streams asynchronously |
Lesson 5. | Configuring event handlers |
Data Sources | |
Lesson 1. | How Node.js connects to databases |
Lesson 2. | RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases |
Lesson 3. | Connecng to RDBMS & NoSQL databases |
Lesson 4. | Performing CRUD operaons |
Lesson 5. | Building client requests to web services |
Working With Data | |
Lesson 1. | Working With |
Lesson 2. | Processes & Clusters |
Lesson 3. | Child Process Module |
Lesson 4. | Why clusters |
Lesson 5. | The cluster object |
Lesson 6. | The worker object |
Best Pracces | |
Lesson 1. | Node.js API design |
Lesson 2. | Error Handling |
Lesson 3. | Debugging |
Lesson 4. | Template Engines |
Lesson 5. | Unit Tesng |
Lesson 6. | Node.js Tesng with Jasmine |
JavaScript and Node.js | |
Lesson 1. | The importance of being asynchronous |
Lesson 2. | Blocking vs. non-blocking code |
Lesson 3. | Server-side JavaScript |
Lesson 4. | The use cases |
Lesson 5. | The applicaon stack |
Introducon - What is Node.js | |
Lesson 1. | What is Node.j |
Lesson 2. | Why use Node.js? |
Lesson 3. | Features of Node.js |
Lesson 4. | Who uses Node.js |
Lesson 5. | When to Use Node.js |
Lesson 6. | When to not use Node.js |
Lesson 7. | Node.js Process Model |
Setup Node.js Development Environment | |
Lesson 1. | Lesson 1. Installaon of node.js |
Lesson 2. | Setup Visual Studio for Node.js |
Lesson 3. | Node.js Console |
Lesson 4. | Using Node.js to execute scripts |
Lesson 5. | When to Use Node.js |
Lesson 6. | First Hello world applicaon in Node.jss |
Node.js Basics | |
Lesson 1. | Primive Types |
Lesson 2. | Loose Typing |
Lesson 3. | Object Literal |
Lesson 4. | Funcons |
Lesson 5. | Buffer |
Lesson 6. | Process object |
Node.js Module | |
Lesson 1. | Core Modules |
Lesson 2. | Local Modules |
Lesson 3. | Third Party Modules |
Lesson 4. | Loading Core Modules |
Lesson 5. | Wring Simple Module |
Lesson 6. | Loading Local Module |
Module exports | |
Lesson 1. | Export Literals |
Lesson 2. | Export Object |
Lesson 3. | Export funcon as a class |
Lesson 4. | Export Funcon |
Lesson 5. | Load module from separate folder |
Node Package Manager | |
Lesson 1. | Install Package Locally |
Lesson 2. | Install Package Globally |
Lesson 3. | Update/Uninstall Package |
Building servers | |
Lesson 1. | Creang servers with HTTP |
Lesson 2. | Receiving data |
Lesson 3. | HTTP streaming |
Lesson 4. | Working with TCP |
Lesson 5. | Development of applicaon with servers |
File System | |
Lesson 1. | Synchronous vs. asynchronous I/O |
Lesson 2. | Path and directory operaons |
Lesson 3. | _dirname and _filename |
Lesson 4. | The FS Module |
Lesson 5. | Asynchronous Directories reads and writes |
Lesson 6. | Asynchronous file reads and writes |
Lesson 7. | Streams |
Introducon to ExpressJS | |
Lesson 1. | The model-view-controller paern |
Lesson 2. | Defining Jade and Handlebars templates |
Lesson 3. | Building a front-end controller |
Lesson 4. | Defining routes |
Lesson 5. | Configuring Express to use Handlebars |
Lesson 6. | Using REST |
Lesson 7. | Reading POST data |
Lesson 8. | Building Handlebars helpers |
Lesson 9. | Adding middleware |
Buffers, Streams, and Events | |
Lesson 1. | Using buffers for binary data |
Lesson 2. | Flowing vs. non-flowing streams |
Lesson 3. | Streaming I/O from files and other sources |
Lesson 4. | Processing streams asynchronously |
Lesson 5. | Configuring event handlers |
Data Sources | |
Lesson 1. | How Node.js connects to databases |
Lesson 2. | RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases |
Lesson 3. | Connecng to RDBMS & NoSQL databases |
Lesson 4. | Performing CRUD operaons |
Lesson 5. | Building client requests to web services |
Working With Data | |
Lesson 1. | Working With |
Lesson 2. | Processes & Clusters |
Lesson 3. | Child Process Module |
Lesson 4. | Why clusters |
Lesson 5. | The cluster object |
Lesson 6. | The worker object |
Best Pracces | |
Lesson 1. | Node.js API design |
Lesson 2. | Error Handling |
Lesson 3. | Debugging |
Lesson 4. | Template Engines |
Lesson 5. | Unit Tesng |
Lesson 6. | Node.js Tesng with Jasmine |
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